Network-wide training events – Research Scientific & Industrial Knowledge Training

During the DIGIMAN4.0 project all ESR participants will take part in the Network-wide Professional Development WorkshopAcademic & Industrial Professional and Leadership Development Training Programme” (workshop A,B and C) organized by DTU. The Programme is articulated in three 1-week long workshops designed to give the ESR the necessary professional tools for a successful career development both in Industry as well as in Academia. The goal of the Professional Development Workshop is to provide the ESR with substantial professional training in the following topics, taught directly from DIGIMAN4.0 managers and senior lecturers active in digital manufacturing research and training: Project and IPR management of research in manufacturing industrial and scientific R&D, Management of Innovation and Technology, Leadership, self-management and social skills in an industrial and academic environment; ESR employability readiness in a digital manufacturing industrial environment and at the university; teaching, learning, and student project supervision.


DIGIMAN4.0 Workshops Programme



Workshop 1  – Additive Manufacturing PhD Summer School (DTU)  October 2019 
Workshop A – Research Project Management (DTU)   October 2019 


Online workshop - DIGIMAN4.0 webinar on Digital Twins for Manufacturing Systems (POLIMI)     July 2020 
Workshop 3  – Industry 4.0 Global Production Learning Factory(KIT)  September 2020 
Online workshop - DIGIMAN webinar on Natural Language Processing (UNIPI)  October 2020 
Online Workshop – DIGIMAN4.0 Participants Portal (PP) Reporting (DTU)                                October 2020 
Workshop 2  – Industry 4.0 Technologies & Industrial Applications (TEKNIKER)  November 2020 
Online Workshop – Dissemination Webinar – Scientific Publishing, Open Access, Social Media (DTU)    November 2020 
Online workshop - DIGIMAN webinar on Industry 4.0 (Tekniker)   December 2020 


Online workshop - DIGIMAN webinar on Intellectual Property     March 2021 
Workshop 5  – Connecting human and machine hands and brains (UNIPISA)   May 2021 
Workshop B – Innovation Management and Digital Transformation (DTU)   November 2021 
Workshop C – Student Supervision & PhD Project Management (DTU)    November 2021 
Workshop 6  – Digital manufacturing & advanced analytics (POLIMI)   December 2021 


Workshop 4  – Measuring Systems & Lean Factory Management (UNIZAR)    January 2022  

Workshop 7 - Innovation Management and Digital Transformation Workshop

April 2022 
Workshop 8 - Teaching & Learning, Student Supervision, PhD Project Management Workshop April/May 2022